+44(0)7941 083 722



Richard L, Commercial Real Estate Solicitor

Ges’ simple but effective methods can help even the most nervous public speaker accomplish significant improvements in their delivery, content and confidence. As a skill that many of us desire but shy away from, finding the right person to work with in developing one’s public speaking ability is crucial. Ges’ expertise and personable approach make him a brilliant tutor and the ideal person to work with in developing your talent for public speaking.

The importance of soft skills (such as effective presenting) in the work place cannot be underestimated and Ges’ experience in the corporate world provides an invaluable additional dimension to his tutelage. As a participant and pupil of one of Ges’ training sessions (and someone who would regularly shy away from public speaking), I would not hesitate in recommending Ges to anyone wanting to learn or improve the valuable skill of effective speaking in public